Natural Additions Logo

Extending opportunity beyond the fish

We’re the leading vertically integrated supplier of fresh and frozen tilapia, championing innovative, eco-friendly aquaculture that supports the welfare of our fish, the surrounding environment, and local communities.


Regal Springs® is the #1 producer of premium, sustainably farmed tilapia

We’re the leading vertically integrated supplier of fresh and frozen tilapia, championing innovative, eco-friendly aquaculture that supports the welfare of our fish, the surrounding environment, and local communities.

Doing well by doing good

RS_Icons_Healthy Fish

Healthy fish

Reared without diminishing threatened ocean fish stocks

RS_Icons_Oxygen-rich Lakes

Oxygen-rich environments

Monitored for purity through our water assurance programs


International networks

Supported by established retail partners worldwide


Tech-based aquaculture

Deployed to enhance tilapia fish welfare and quality


Uncompromising standards

Delivered through our ESG activities and commitments


As an early pioneer of the “blue food movement,” we’re wholly committed to safeguarding the future of seafood and protecting our beautiful lakeland environments in Honduras, Mexico, and Indonesia.


Innovative blue tech farming helps us safeguard the welfare of our responsibly sourced tilapia, which are fed on a vegetable-rich diet and raised in meticulously controlled freshwater lakes free from unnatural chemicals and preservatives to ensure a clean, tasty, and healthy end product.


Innovative blue tech farming helps us safeguard the welfare of our responsibly sourced tilapia, which are fed on a vegetable-rich diet and raised in meticulously controlled freshwater lakes free from unnatural chemicals and preservatives to ensure a clean, tasty, and healthy end product.


As one of the largest employers in our lakeside communities, we believe it’s our responsibility to create better living and working environments for all — from supporting schools and clinics to laying new roads and reviving the stunning forests surrounding our lakes.

Firm, flaky, and packed with protein

Our deliciously delicate white fish has a succulent texture and provides a wonderfully versatile canvas for any recipe you choose. Like we always say:

“It’s the fish that makes your dish”

Cantonese Style Steamed Whole Tilapia


Tilapia “Fries”


Lemon Basil Tilapia With Caprese Skewers


Tropical Jerk Tilapia Salad


Tilapia Sliders With Lobster Sauce


Tropical Fish Tacos


Tilapia Tacos al Pastor


Our customers

Take it from our customers: they always appreciate premium-quality products they can trust, recognizing our status as a provider of full-service solutions.

Our certificates